Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Relapse... somewhat?

Yesterday was a great day for the fact that I got Oliver to work out with me. We did 10 minutes leg exercises to get the blood flowing and then 20 minutes of yoga. I attempted to do a cardio after that but only made it 10 minutes before burning out. Then we treated ourselves to veggie pho. I have to say that will be a hard meal to give up when going 100percent raw. I made it vegan all day until.................. later that evening we both started feeling mucho cravings and restlessness. And that devil on my shoulder completely took over and we went to taco bell.

So yesterday's recap on food

Lunch: Veggie pho

Snack: some Kaia sprouted sunflower seeds (curry flavor) few strawberries

Dinner/evilness: Taco Bell: 2.5 cheese rollups and 2 sides of rice

This morning I woke up with a blemish on my chin.. how's that for proof that Taco Bell was not in any way, shape, or form good for me.

I drug myself out of bed, actually felt like sleeping more, my stomach was very bloated. I guzzled down a salt water flush and lots of water. Waited. It did its thing.

Breakfast: Organic strawberries ( I believe the taste spectacularly shines over non organic), a ripe banana, 8oz of almond milk and tons of spinach

More water

About to do a vigorous cardio then start the day's errands.

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