Thursday, December 30, 2010

31 weeks along...

Really feeling ready to hold Connor in my arms. He continues to grow and is very active. For the most part, I feel great. I do get out of breath a lot and have had some dizzy/fainting spells. I'm not exercising though. I have a prenatal yoga dvd that keeps calling me but to be honest, I've been enjoying being a complete and utter lazy butt. Once Connor gets here and with Jakey's school/soccer and then my own MSW program in Sept, I won't have ANY of that time EVER. I've been reading up on Hypnobabies as I desire a natural birth. I am open to the possibilities but my last birth was horrendous as most every woman has heard those traumatizing stories. Since this is the last baby I'm having, I'd like to have it on my terms LOL. I just downloaded this great book. I love love love Kristen Suzanne, her blog. Its been very inspiring. While we have not been vegan, we still continue to try to make healthier choices. Juices, smoothies, a plethora of fruits available and in front of us. My meat consumption is wayyyy down. Cheese consumption not so much. I take my vitamins. And funny since I started eating meat, etc again... my iron levels marked me as anemic and I've had to take another supplement. Blah. OH well enough blabbing for now.