Monday, November 23, 2009

Back to Raw

I realized most things I start, I don't finish.

I get motivated and inspired and basically crap out due to life issues or just plain lack of steam.


after 4 months of being off/on Raw I want to continue this struggle, yes I say struggle because I'm yo-yoing back and forth.

Today I take a stand. 3 days before lovely Thanksgiving, I give it a go AGAIN. I need to let go of some of my procrastinational tendencies and focus on my end goal. My health. Now I would love to continue to drag Oliver through this but I think I'm making him nuts with my fanaticism. So perhaps the key to my success is to continue to chronicle this excursion to healthy enlightenment.

So I'm off to make a smoothie (which I really do appreciate and love) and then to get my son from preschool and then to keep plugging on.