Monday, January 3, 2011

Hypnobabies euphoria..

Good morning! Besides the fact xmas break is over and I had to get up early to defrost the car, struggle into the car and take my kiddo to school, its pretty dang good. Driving is a wee bit of a challenge as I'm uber short and my belly is uber big. Connor doesn't like sharing space with the steering wheel. Yesterday was full of nutritional goodies and I feel pretty darn good. I had a HUGE salad and green juice from Marlene's plus a delicious kombucha. I made an avocado smish smash with sprouted tofu, chopped tomatoes and a lil horseradish mustard. I served them with GF rice crackers. I do plan on looking into that more thoroughly, the GF thing. Lots of water, oranges etc. I listened to a hypnobabies cd last night and am thoroughly amazed. I'll explain more later, I think the sound of my typing is bugging sleeping Oliver.

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