So tomorrow I will post pictures to show where I'm at physically. Let's talk the rest though, today was stressful, my gram is in the hospital. We drove up to Shoreline to get the kids for the weekend and I was RAVENOUS after eating organic pinto beans (cooked I know BUT HEALTHY) and I had this vegan fake meat thingy which I'm reading Dr. N.W. Walker's book Vibrant Health and realizing perhaps that's is worse than FLESH MEAT. We felt negative and went to Fred Meyer for food, and guess what I ended up buying. A stupid sandwich, (we also bought fruit). I ate through half the sandwich and felt like a wretch, my stomach hurt and I ended up gobbling the fruit (kiwi and strawberries) and was much happier.
I am heavier weight wise than I have been since college where my diet consisted of Senior Froggy's breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My exercise regimen has been nonexistent due to sheer laziness and sickness. My skin looks like an adolescent and my moods are PMS like. I feel stifled and I want the raw joy I felt last summer when we were raw. I feel like the answer is so close and its within my means, I just have to overcome my own BRAIN. We spoke to the kids tonight about changing our eating habits next weekend and they were very receptive. Such great kids. I showed them a little cartoon I found on youtube called "The Meatrix" and although they still think eating meat is ok, I just want at this juncture to encourage healthy thinking and let them make their own decisions. We can't expect them to jump into complete raw veganism when Oliver and I haven't reached that point ourselves. Also we have their other families to contend with and currently Jake's dad is on the Atkins so MEAT GALORE. Jake said to me, "I'll just go my dad's and have LOTS of lunch meat."
I don't want to use scare tactics or make them feel guilty for consuming meat. I just want to open their eyes and I explained that Oliver and I wanted to feel/BE healthy.
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