This last almost 2 weeks has been very interesting and optimistic. I've been almost all raw, with the exceptions about 2 times indulging in comfort food. I've been working out like a maniac and LOVING IT! The hardest is always yo-yoing back and forth but when I get a good 3 days of regular working out, it becomes enjoyable and I'm noticing the difference in the way my body looks and feels. I really do want health for my family and I. Getting Oliver on the work out train is frustrating and he needs it more than me (Type 1 diabetic). I love when he says "when I get my BS under more control" however according to the literature I've read working out LOWERS BS. I do understand that you aren't supposed to work out with high BS as it will raise it higher but I know for certain he's had times when his blood sugar is good and he can work out!!! Ok enough grumping on that.
The biggest and bestest outcome thus far is my skin. I've ALWAYS had issues with my face and its very susceptible to stress and breakouts. Nope, even though there is daily stress due to this whole unemployment thing, my face is practically glowing. No breakouts, in fact my skin tone is evening out, I'm noticing a lessening in faint scars. My pores are shrinking and well it just feels heck a smooth. I've switched also to using almost all vegan body products and if I run out, I do without instead of using the chemical laden crap out there.
Another great byproduct would be weight loss. Yes, I'm going to say it I have gained nasty weight. I hit 130!!! On my small frame, NOT GOOD! I haven't been that weight since college, lol. I could not comfortably wear any jeans that I owned. I found one baggy size 7 (EEEEKKKKKK) and those were tight. Let me say EMBARRASSING! I'm right now jiggling back and forth between 126 and 128, sounds minor but doesn't feel minor. I know its water weight. But the jeans now fit comfortably.
And this is on a MOSTLY raw diet, I have been indulging in cooked tofu, beans and on one occasion stupid pizza.
I have finished listening to the
China Study on audiocd by T. Colin Campbell.
Absolutely stunning. Just like Earthlings sprung me into vegetarianism, I am definitely falling into veganism with the hopes of continuing almost all raw.
I have been utilizing this
site to get a feel for my caloric intake, although you have to pay to see the nutrient breakdown. Lame. I'm going to once again attempt to log my food intake since it will help with accountability. And I will continue to keep blogging in my own little world here.
Today's feast:
Breakfast: Juice of kale, celery, basil, green apple, red apple, and broccoli
Lunch: Oliver made yumminess. Stir fried tofu, portabello mushroom, onion, and baby bok choy. I do believe he used mushroom stir fried sauce which probably has your standard high fructose corn syrup. I ate approximately 1 1/2 cup. So a small serving. But it did the job.
I worked out for over an hour (2 separate, one cardio, one toning)
Then I had half a banana and some oolong tea.
Late lunch: Half a salad (romaine, kimchee, sprouts, lime juice) Took half an avocado and smooshed it with a lil vegannaise and himalayan salt. delish
Dinner: The rest of the salad, handful of Kaia sprouted sunflower seeds, and an orange
Snack: Handful of Kaia sprouted sunflower seeds
Then around 10ish I started to crave something warm and comforting. I actually starting craving a spinach alfredo think crust pizza.. BLECH!!!! I had to fight it really hard. I settled for half an avocado with a lil vegannaise and a TOUCH of parmesan cheese and I cut up some tofu strips to dip in this avo mix. It satisfied and I survived!!!! :)
I feel strong. I feel glowing. I think I will have a green juice again for dinner. I'm really tinkering with the idea of a juice feast but I don't want to set myself up for failure. I'm going to set this out in incremental goals.
Goal 1: Completely vegan for two weeks (starting today) so today til June 17
Goal 2: Completely raw for two weeks June 17-July 1
Goal 3: Evaluate and decide if juicing is desirable